
Stop Battling Food: Healthy Weight-Loss Program


Do you have unwanted weight? Have you tried multiple diets to help support weight loss and found none of them achieve your goals? Are you frustrated by the cycle of endless restrictions and reward?

Stop Battling Food is a healthy weight loss program that takes a step back and looks at the bigger picture and then applies these insights as changes you can make to support sustainable weight loss.

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Weight Loss Done Differently

This weight loss program takes a holistic approach to weight loss that is about so much more than macro ratios, tracking calories and spending hours at the gym.

Everyone agrees that nutritious whole foods are important to weight loss and that exercise is necessary for health and longevity. But these aren’t the only tools available to lose weight.

There are many reasons why your body may be reluctant to shed excess fat and those reasons are unique to each and every one of us. Discovering those reasons is the foundation of holistic weight loss.

Stop Battling Food is a healthy weight loss program that takes a step back and looks at the bigger picture and then applies these insights as changes you can make to support sustainable weight loss.

Program includes: 

  • One 90-minute Initial Appointment with a nutritionist dedicated to your holistic health and weight loss goals.
  • Three 60-minute Follow-up Appointments that dive deep into each of the foundational factors (above).

In each appointment, you’ll walk away with:

  • Personal guidance and a plan of action
  • Individual coaching with gentle accountability
  • Customized tips and recipes to help get you on a sustainable journey
  • Suggestions for lifestyle changes that you can live with
  • Recommendations for supplements to cover your exact nutritional deficiencies (as needed)*
  • Lab testing and interpretation (as needed)*

*Supplements are recommended by individual need and are in addition to the cost of the package.
*Some foundational factors may warrant additional lab testing. Lab testing and any appointments that correspond to reviewing the lab results are in addition to the package and based on each person’s individual need.