21 -day cleanse

21 day cleanse

Do you need a reset?

Have you been eating too much sugar? Or not eating enough vegetables? Feeling tired and achy? Not sleeping well? Mood been a little off? The Be Balanced 21-Day Cleanse is perfect for you. This 3-week cleanse is designed to give you a nutrition reboot. It gives you step-by-step directions on how to eat whole, unprocessed foods while taking a break from inflammatory foods like sugar and wheat.

Take control of your health with our 21-day cleanse

The Be Balanced 21-Day Cleanse is not about starvation or deprivation. In fact, it’s the opposite. Our 21-day cleanse diet is built on plenty real, whole, fresh food including fruit and vegetables, clean protein, nuts and seeds, legumes, whole grains, and healthy fats. Why is this better than popular juice and liquid-only fasts? You need abundant nutrients – protein, fat and vitamins – to breakdown and eliminate toxins. Very low-calorie liquid diets can stress out other organs, such as the adrenal glands, making you feel lethargic or irritable. A whole foods-based cleanse gives you the ingredients to step up your natural detox functions while keeping you steady, balanced and nourished.

Focused on anti-inflammatory nutrients and liver health, the Be Balanced 21-Day Cleanse is designed to help:

What it is

With this 21-day at-home cleanse, you’ll eliminate inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, corn, soy, sugar and caffeine; while eating nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory veggies, fruits, whole grains, beans, proteins, and healthy fats. We provide specific guidelines, meal plans and recipes along with mindful eating and liver detox activities.

When to do it

This cleanse is self-paced so you can arrange the right time to slow down, change some habits, focus on your nutrition and spend more time in the kitchen. Great times to do this cleanse are after the holidays or an indulgent vacation, or during times of seasonal change, such as spring and fall.

How to do it

Simply sign up and you’ll be prompted to download the 21-Day Cleanse with meal plan, guidelines and recipes.

COST: Only $49; includes meal plans and recipes

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.”
Susan Jeffers, Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

What you get with our 21-day cleanse

Success with any special diet requires planning ahead and being prepared for the inevitable challenges. Our 21-day cleanse gives you everything you need to succeed, from planning and preparation to dealing with hunger and cravings.

Your 21-day cleanse includes:

Your prep checklist

Everything you need to do before you start to set yourself up for success.

Diet guidelines

Detailed lists of exactly what to eat and what not to eat for the next 3 weeks — so there’s never any confusion.

Meal plan guidelines

Tips on how to plan your meals to keep blood sugar steady, optimize your nutrient intake, and keep hunger at bay.

Detailed shopping list

A basic shopping list, along with additional suggestions, so you’re well prepared for the weeks ahead.

Problem solving

Recommendations for dealing with common issues such as low blood sugar, hunger, constipation, bloating, sugar cravings, caffeine withdrawal, and more.


20 pages of delicious, nourishing recipes, including breakfast smoothies and juices, entrees, soups, beverages, snacks — even dessert!

Nutrition therapy is not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, prescription, or cure for any disease, or as a substitute for medical care. Jen Marshall, Stacy St Germain, and Jill Dopp are not licensed medical providers. Nutrition plans are not intended as a substitution for traditional medical care, nor should be interpreted as medical advice, but instead is an adjunctive and supportive therapy.,

Your 21-Day Cleanse Guide – Jill Dopp

Love the idea of a cleanse but aren’t sure where to start? I can help answer any questions you may have about this robust program, to help you get the most out of it.

Jill Dopp health coach

Need more support?

This cleanse is designed to be self-lead/self-paced. However, we love supporting you! If you have questions about how the cleanse pertains to your specific health challenges, or if during the cleanse you are not feeling well and need help making adjustments, we’re here for you.

Add-on 30-minute appointments are offered for $55 (either by phone or video) with Jill Dopp.

You may also contact us at 303-872-9695 or Support@BeBalancedHealing.com